Radio DockDogs Episode 41 – Rules Commitee & Miracle on DockDogs Street

streetsignRadio DockDogs Episode 41 is here, and we first want to start things off by saying Thank You to Jim & Jennifer Zelasko for their countless hours of dedication,Ā bringingĀ us 41 incredible episodes of Radio DockDogs this year, we’re incredibly excited to see what lies ahead in 2014!

We have a ton to cover off today in the last show of 2013 with discussions of the upcoming Rules & Policies changes from earlier this month in San Diego, orchestrated by SoCal DockDogs! The upcoming Rules & Policies document will be available tomorrow, but tune in today to hear some of the highlights!

What we’re really excited to tell you about is the launch of our “Miracle on DockDogs Street – What Has DockDogs Given to You?”Ā contest! With Radio DockDogs Episode 40 that aired last week we heard from Deborah Mittelsteadt, who shared an incredible story of what DockDogs has given to her – bringing her a new life. In the spirit of the holiday season we wanted to hear from you on what your experiences in DockDogs have given to you, we wanted to give back too!

So many competitors Humans and dogs alike, have been given a new life through their participation or involvement with the DockDogs Family, possibly saved a dogs life from a rescue or shelter, become socially active after a trauma or have been touched in a multitude of other ways.

Visit the DockDogs page on Facebook, Enter the Contest, Share your photo and a story of “Miracle on DockDogs Street”, ask your friends and family to enter to earn additional entries, and of course for others to vote too! We’re offering up huge prizes too! Entries / Voting starts now and runs until midnight EST on January 1, 2014!Ā 

  1. 1st place – $500 in DockDogs Credits
  2. 2nd place – $250 in DockDogs Credits
  3. 3rd place – $125 in DockDogs Credits