Radio DockDogs Episode 39 – A Year in Review

Jim ZelaskoRadio DockDogs Episode 39 is here — this time with a twist! In this episode we’ll hear from the two people that make the entire Radio DockDogs and DockDogs TV programs come to fruition! Jim Zelasko, host of everyone’s favorite DockDogs program, and his wife Jennifer, who always is there helping record video and take photos host this weeks program! Jim and Jennifer have travel far and wide to attend DockDogs events across the US and Canada every year and wanted to do a short review of their journey across the country in 2013!

Jennifer Zelasko








Thank you to both Jim and Jennifer for their countless hours of contributions to DockDogs Worldwide for all of us to enjoy, we’re elated and fortunate to have you as part of the community.


This weeks shoutouts go to DockDogs Canada & Arizona DockDogs! Thank you for sharing last weeks episode of Radio DockDogs to your Facebook page!