Important Announcements from Dogz Events! 🐾 April 2024
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People’s Choice Voting Now Available – Submit Your Ballots Today!
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One (1) vote may be submitted per DockDogs Username. A Handler may only have one (1) username.
In order to submit a nomination you must login with your DockDogs Username/Handler ID at
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DockDogs Crew Member of the Year
Sean Swearinger
Sean is always working hard at events helping new and old competitors. He always goes the extra mile to make sure things are running smoothly
Sean runs a very positive and accurate event. He handles everything in a professional manner.
The events that Sean runs are always done great.
Aaron Pippin Jr.
Aaron has worked in the background of many events that I have been to in the past year. He is always friendly, responsive to questions and makes sure everyone has a good time.
Aaron is always very helpful! He is a hard worker and always has a smile on his face.
Aaron is the quiet, considerate, hard working staff that always focuses on being his best. Whether he is judging or wrangling, tearing down or helping a newbie, he does it with a smile and positive attitude! As a judge, he takes accuracy seriously and is always aware of any questions and happy to make sure all equipment is functioning and calibrated well. Whenever I come to an event and find that Aaron is working I know its going to run smoothly and will always be filled with positivity and fun!
Josh Cain
Josh we have seen at several events this year. We saw him training in Erie PA early in the season and finished at the DuelingDogs event in OH with several inbetween. He works really hard and is the most positive worker. Not just at event but also on social media.
Josh is an extremely hard worker and and went the extra mile to at our events to ensure our hosts and spectators got a great show. He is dedicated to DockDogs and making events great.
Sydney Belcher
Always cheerful and will answer all questions.
She keeps the events fun and upbeat even when people may be upset about something.
Sydney has matured into a wonderful admin. She never gets overwhelmed and keeps her cool under pressure. More importantly she brings fun to the events she works!
Thomas Platts
His attitude is always uplifting
Amazing patience with new participants and enthusiasm for DockDogs.
Thomas was the judge at our club event in Kittery this year. He was professional and helped keep the event rolling smoothly. We had a couple of hiccups which he solved with poise.
Sportsperson of the Year
Jesse Dalton
Jesse always seem to be there helping other and doing everything he can to help other become a better handler and win or lose he comes off the dock just as happy and congratulates those around him
Jessie is always a joy to see at events and is truly a great sportsperson that represents the DockDogs community proudly.
Jesse always helps everyone on and off the dock. He wants to make others as good as they can be even if they are in direct competition with him.
John Schraa (Beach)
#sure!! So easy to get along with, easy-going and professional. Any event he is at is ran professionally with the tone of fun, fairness and let the dogs be the best they can be! If he is stressed you would never know it and he is the definition of HARD-working and never EVER complains about it!! He truly LOVES what he does!
Kristi Baird
Kristi is always willing to help new people on the dock. She has a wealth of knowledge and everyone has great respect and admiration for her. Kristi’s heart is truly with DockDogs.
A true sportsperson. Has been doing Dockdogs for many years.
Kristi is an awesome instructor and does so much with not just her dogs, but with dogs she fosters. She is a lover of dogs and of the sport of dock jumping and puts her heart into every event 110%!!
Ray Sumner
He has gone above and beyond this year (his first year involved)
Rod Niemer
What can I say about Rod? He is the most dedicated people Ive ever seen working with new dogs as well as their handlers. He is the KYDD Vice President and works at every practice to ensure everyone has fun as well as makes progress. He does this year in and year out. Just an absolute joy and the main reason we are so into the KYDD club. He has that personality you just want to be around. Just look at how divers the KYDD club is. Once you get around the guy you just cant help but be part of what he is doing. He donates so much of his time to this sport. Its amazing just being associated with him.
Rod, what can I say about Rod? Rod is an all around good guy. He and his family travel all over the country jumping their dogs. Rod volunteers and helps other clubs. He is the Vice President of Kentucky DockDogs. He has grown the club and brought in members from all over the US. Rod goes out of his way to helps new competitors and gives advice to old ones.
Most Exciting DockDogs Team
Amy Stempel & Calvin
New to DD this year but so great to watch with her awesome Calvin & Astrid
Danielle Hansen & Chief
Deb Feller & Doni
Deb Feller and Doni have dominated the south this year with high scores and reallying WOWing the crowd
This team always improves and never disappoints when 1st place is on the line. Deb is playful with Doni on the dock and they bring out the best in each other
Diane Salts & Cochiti
Several years after setting the BA world record this team is STILL stopping spectators and competitors in their tracks and turning heads. It doesn’t matter where you are in the venue… whether it’s Big Air, Speed Retrieve, or Extreme Vertical… when Cheesy hits the dock there isn’t a person in the entire venue not watching the AMAZING athleticism of the little white flying whippet dog.
Matt Bohn & Kratos
This team is fun to watch and full of emotion!
Most Inspiring DockDogs Team
Cheryl MacIntyre & Spinner
Spinner was found tied to a bench,and has been transformed into a top player in the dock dog world
From being found tied to a bench, to being rescued, and then into Cheryl’s home as a foster dog, Cheryl saw this diamond in the rough and has polished Spinner into an amazing athlete and in turn made an awesome team and given him a forever home!
Cindy Cowherd & Hank
They never give up.
Even though her dog doesn’t always jump, she keeps coming back and doesn’t let it set her back. She has patience and perseverance.
Jennifer Alcozer & Genie
It is a joy to watch Jennifer and her dogs on the dock. She gets so much joy jumping them.
Linda Weaver & Austin
In June 2015, Linda suffered a major injury. She was able to jump Austin 4 months later, with help getting Austin on and off the dock. It took 7 months before she could jump Austin alone in BA. Linda and Austin had earned invites to Worlds 2015, but was unable to compete. This season Linda has been recovered enough to compete again, and earn World invites for 2016. I am sure Linda had no idea that when she chose the team name “Who saved Who” would have so much meaning. The desire to be back on the dock with Austin and to hang with all of her DockDogs friends inspired Linda to recover faster to be back on the dock having fun and competing with her dog Austin.
Rod Neimer & Dizzy
Rod has put so much effort into giving Dizzy a great life. As a team they inspire everyone at an event.
Dizzy and Rod are just one inspiring team that’s all I can say!
Troy Geary & Tucker
Stage 4 cancer and heading to worlds, He rocks!
DockDogs Cheerleader
Amy Lyons
She is always pool side cheering on the teams and taking photos weather she knows you or not.
Amy is always poolside cheering on all competitors and taking photos!
Bonnie Lariviere
Cheers new and old competitors,and a welcoming hug of congrats goes to every entrant,a true plus Inn our club.
Carol Preston
You can find Carol at any number of DockDogs events yelling, cheering and encouraging all competitors. She goes out of her way to make newbies feel welcome, she is a great dockdog cheerleader and ambassador for DockDogs.
Marie Earle
She cheers for everyone whether they are old timers or newbies and is always at the side of the pool with pom poms and enthusiasm.
Marie has helped grow our club with her enthusiastic personality, cowbells, and yellow RMDD cowboy hat.
Timothy Lake
“I first met Tim at Dutchess County Fair this year and he was there cheering for every single person who was jumping! So positive and amazing to have at an event!
Yvet Montiel
She is always out cheering everyone on.
She is out there for everyone
Favorite DockDogs Announcer
Aaron Pippin Sr
“Aaron takes the time to get to know everybody. When he is announcing, he is able to give the crowd insight and background about the dogs because he truly gets to know them.
His voice rocks the microphone he has really grown into the announcing position quite well.
Bob DeWire
Bob is awesome and the crowds love him
His ability to remember stats and details about each team is incredible and really helps to make competitors feel special.
Paul Volino
Paul proves to be the most spontaneous and out of the box announcer. He is entertaining yet informative.
Paul is very entertaining and always trying to make someone laugh, even if that’s at the expense of his own dog (telling the crowd they had time to grab a coffee when Tiffany was up for speed retrieve)
Sean Swearinger
When Sean announces, he gets the crowd involved. He uses catchy phrases and gives each dog a personalized introduction.
Stephen Sanchez
He is great at getting the crowd involved at events. always knows when to pull them in and just does an amazing job.
His ability to remember stats and details about each team is incredible and really helps to make competitors feel special.
Most Improved DockDogs Team
Becky Haen & Griff
I haven’t seen these 2 before this year, but this team has rocketed to Super Elite, High Flyer, and sonic/nitro levels quickly. A pleasure to watch.
Unbelievable improvement for their first year of dockdogs! 7’8″ in EV and 27’+ BA jumps! An incredible dog to watch!! Easily has the chance to be a world champion in multiple disciplines.
Carol Preston & Bishop
Last year, Bishop struggled with confidence and control on the dock. He was hitting mostly low senior jumps in Big Air and earned his World’s invite in Speed Retrieve Express. At World’s he swam under 8 seconds for the first time. This year, Bishop knows his job and displays much more control on the dock. He hit his first master level jumps at Canadian Regionals, and earned his Master Club title later in July- in just 1 weekend! He titled as a Turbo jumper, and his speed retrieve average is better by about a second. Just watching Carol and Bishop, you know that they have really bonded as a team over the past year!
Laura Uebelhoer & Ella
Laurie and Ms Ella have had a blast coming along this season!
They have just gotten better and better all season.
Matt Bohn & Kratos
Kratos has improved at each and every event – especially in Big Air and EV!
This dog is going to be at the top very soon. Last year starting slow, this year, high flyer, spartan, and sonic speed times. Watch for them in DockDogs and Dueling Dogs
Rich Schafer & Trouble
That dog can jump so far
From a young dog that was jumping Senior jumps last season, and a handler that is dedicated to building a bond and helping his dog progress and be his best….this team came to Worlds last year and surprised everyone in BA and IRON DOG. But it didn’t end there….this season Rich and trouble haven’t been without there moments of challenge but they continue to improve and have even become one of the top jumping teams in the world, breaking that 30′ mark and being ranked #2 in the WORLD. A team I ALWAYS love watching because you never know if that world record could be broken by them….they are the most improved in my opinion.
Sydney Mackey & Spitfire
This is their first year competing and they’re already close to breaking the World Record. They are an awesome team to watch!!
Lookout world…. there’s a little girl on the dock with her speedy little black dog.. and they’re starting to figure out how to play this DockDogs game. In the early summer an 11 year old girl came to a Puget Sound DockDogs practice because she had tried several other sports with her dog, but thought dock diving would be even more fun since her dog loved to swim. Their first practice it took quite a bit of time to get this new team into the pool for the first time. But this team kept at it, and by the next practice were regularly starting to getting little frog jumps off the dock. By the third week she was at the practice pool EVERY SINGLE WEEK taking lessons and practicing with her dog. At their first event they flew into the teens and by day two moved right into the master division. Two months later this team… an 11 year old and her very own dog… that she trains… and works with, cares for, and loves every single day…. THIS team earned an invite in every single discipline. Her dad drove her 14 hours across 3 states to the regional championships to compete in the only divisions they were eligible for…. YOUTH and OPEN… she won them both! Less than a month later this team earned the remainder of their invites at a wildcard qualifier and continued to better their scores every single time they hit the dock. Just 3 months after starting this journey they trained, worked hard, and were dedicated to being at events every single day, all week long in some cases. From belly flopper to Super Elite, High Flier, Sonic, and Spartan… with a PB of over 29 feet! Proof that hard work, dedication, and persistence pays off with some SERIOUSLY monster improvements!